米国ワシントンDCの非営利法人Ibashoが提唱する8理念で、Ibasho Japanも8理念をベースとして活動しています。
高齢者が知恵と経験を活かすこと (Elder Wisdom)
Older people are a valuable asset to the community (Elder Wisdom):
In modern society, the elderly are often considered to be a burden and as people who need care and looked after. However, the elders’ wealth of wisdom is something to be valued and treasured. Ibasho believes in a society where the elderly can contribute with confidence and are leaned on and valued.
Creating informal gathering places (Normalcy):
Living in institutions: lives with strict rules and schedules are confining and limiting. Ibasho believes in places of normalcy where elders can pop in at any time at their leisure.
地域の人たちがオーナーになること(Community Ownership)
Community members drive development and implementation (Community Ownership):
Ibasho believes in each member of the community sharing a sense of ownership and pride of place. Each place, whether a café or home, it is not something that is created for them but it is created with them.
地域の文化や伝統の魅力を発見すること(Culturally Appropriate)
Local culture and traditions are respected (Culturally Appropriate):
Each community has its own history and culture. Perhaps it is not something you can easily put your finger on. Ibasho is where one can discover and reflect on the treasures of the community.
All residents participate in normal community life (De-marginalization):
A cross section of a community includes the young, elderly, disabled, family rearing, care taking and even the socially disconnected. Ibasho is a place to not to worry about what one “can not” do but rather what one “can” do.
All generations are involved in the community (Multi-generational):
Connecting within one’s own generation is easy and comfortable but why stop there? Ibasho believes in a place where the young learn from the richly lived lives of the elderly and the elderly learn from the young’s ability to pick up new things quickly.
Communities are environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable (Resilience):
Ibasho is a place where we strive for the environment, economy and people to be in harmony. Ibasho will protect the nature that brings bounty to life, be economically self sufficient, and cherish the connections between each individual. How special it will be if those connections forge beyond the boundary of the community or even beyond its own country.
完全を求めないこと(Embracing Imperfection)
Growth of the community is organic and embraces imperfection gracefully (Embracing Imperfection):
Ibasho does not strive for immediate perfection. It is adaptive and flexible in working with life, as life is forever changing. Each community has its own path to balance and perfection. Ibasho believes in the possibility of change. With time, with people, Ibasho will gently embrace imperfection.
- bashoの8理念の表現は、2012年4月に、ワシントンDCのIbashoの代表である清田英巳さんと、認知症をもつ高齢者に対する介護と社会概念の変革を提唱する医師のAllenPowerさんが、ロックフェラー財団からの補助を受けて確定させたものである。
- Ibashoの8理念の日本語訳は、『Ibashoカフェ:大切にしたいこと』(Ibasho, 2013年6月13日)より。